Creations & Projects
Missa Primi Toni 1994
Ivan Lantos's work on Palestrina's music does not claim to be a faithful historical reconstruction.
First and foremost, it involves a wager : to use Bulgarian voices in order to return to a style of singing
that is closer to the land. The purity, rapt calm and celestial character of Palestrina's music remain intact.

Lantos Banda
Cérémonie à Spondo 1998
Recorded just after the Osz album with two former members of Kolinda, Cérémonie à Spondo
associates compositions of Ivan Lantos and traditional pieces.

Ivan Liebermann
Bertalotti 2000
Mp3 : Mazao (5 min 24 s | 12,3 Mo)
  Oh Sana (5 min 06 s | 11,60 Mo)
Unreleased record from which is extracted the Oh Sana title reproduced on Holnapig.

Ivan Lantos
Hommage à KI 2001
Mp3 : Hugo (3 min 03 s | 7 Mo)
Amen (2 min 59 s | 6,84 Mo)
Unreleased record from which is extracted the Amen title reproduced on Holnapig.

Ivan Liebermann
Aunka Sokea Jovo 2003
Mp3 : Mokus (2 min 49 s | 6,45 Mo)
Gyongyviragos Tarka Ret (4 min 27 s | 10,10 Mo)
Unreleased record from which are extracted the Gyongyviragos Tarka Ret & A Unkasoke a Jovo titles reproduced on Holnapig.

Ivan Lantos
Holnapig 2003
A selection of the most representative recordings of Ivan Lantos between
1992 and 2003, realized for Etnofon, the label of Ferenc Kiss.

Contemporary Dance
Since 1985 Ivan Lantos has composed the music of many pieces of contemporary dance,
while sometimes appearing himself as a musician on several creations.
Mp3 :
Extract 1 (Compagnie Brigitte Dumez) (3 min 05 s | 7,06 Mo)
Extract 2 (Compagnie Brigitte Dumez) (4 min 13 s | 9,68 Mo)
Extract 3 (Compagnie Brigitte Dumez) (7 min 05 s | 16,2 Mo)
He has especially worked with the following choreographers :
- Annie Rumani : On ne sait pas qui (1985)
- Suzon Holzer : Quel temps ? (1986)
- Caroline Dudan : Ido (1986)
Le geste coeur (1991)
- Brigitte Dumez : Orion (1986)
Licor (1994)
Petite encyclopédie d'un jardin dansé (1997)
Vocifere et delitere (2000)
L'épine du lieu (2001)
Ni chair ni pierre (2002)
Without forgetting Christian Trouillas, Philippe Decouflé (Decodex - 1995),
Nadine Hernu et Marceline Lartigue (Erszebet - 1989).